
"“The NEW BIG Plane Trip” gets stars from VIDEO LIBRARIAN"

The latest production from Little Mammoth, The NEW BIG Plane Trip, garnered 3.5 of 4 stars from noted publication, VIDEO LIBRARIAN. See the complete review below:


The NEW BIG Plane Trip is a live-action adventure that takes young audiences on a flight from Atlanta to London on Delta Air Lines. They will see the world behind the ticket, including flight attendant training, pilots in the flight simulator, the test kitchens, the giant underground baggage system and more!

The NEW BIG Plane Trip has recently been honored by a number of awards, including a Special Jury Award at WorldFest Houston, the nation’s oldest film festival, and it also received a special Kids First! Endorsementfrom the Coalition for Quality Children’s Media.

“Fantastic Video!,

I watched this on VHS so much as a kid. I still dust it off every now and again. Fantastic video!

JettTheFox, on Youtube